So you have just implemented your favorite idea, published confidently on play store after testing on every device. You have tried everything to promote the app on possible social sites.
Next day you are eager to check out how many people have downloaded your app and it says “10 downloads” and not a single review blinking. Your confidence with your Mobile App Marketing says surely there will be something wrong in promotion may you were not that promising in a promotion, so you start various ways to promote it. Still, you are at 400 downloads at the end of the month. Not to worry there are many who grow downloads surprisingly even after facing this type of condition.
After the deep survey, we are here with few tricks that did wander with their growth in downloads.
Stunning App Icon
The very first thing appears on the app store is the icon of the app, so the design you choose should be unique, eye-catching and recognizable. The icon should clearly represent the app. Avoid playing with icons, try to make an icon as straight and as clean as possible.
Appropriate Name
Your app is going to be represented by its name. People are going to say “this thing is in my phone” the name is going to represent the app it must stay unique and classy.
3 things to be kept in mind:
* Do not copy the name; search thoroughly to ensure that the name you choose is not already someone else’s app name.
* The name should be very short and easy.
* The name should reflect your app behavior. -
Play with Description
It is very important to describe the app clearly in the marketplace you are going to promote. Obviously, you want to spread your Mobile App Marketing globally. Localize your description in the most common languages wherever possible. Many times some translations come up so weird, double check Google’s work.
Allow your keywords to target the name of your app. Repeat the app name 2 to 3 times. Go on to the normal Adwords Keyword Tool to search for lateral keywords to be used. Keywords will increase your app’s chance to get into search results.
Explaining video
The video for an Mobile App Marketing is not a part to be neglected. It’s important to make the video catchy. For that, you can hire professionals and a voice talent to give voice to your video. Make sure your video is translated into local languages.
Other ways
It is of no doubt, traffic can rush if your app is on the top list. Developers go extreme to make their app highlighted on the top list. One tactic to be tried out is CPI (Cost-Per-Install) campaign via different advertisers.
You need to pay a certain amount of money for each install, and you can expect to make a positive return on your investment. This will possibly propel your app into the list of top apps.
There are a number of add networks offering CPI campaign. You can try in one of them.
Eyes on User
Analytic play an important role in knowing improvement and diminishment of the app. Analytics allows continuous comparison for the behavior of new strategies.
There are few tools that will help in accurate analysis.
* Google’s Universal Analytics
* Flurry Analytics
* County -
Cover Image
After working so much on development and promotion, you forget to give importance to the cover image for an app. Don’t make the mistake, A cover image can boost user downloads. Make it unique, catchy and simple. Remember do not use the screenshot for your cover image, it will create a bad impression.
Connect with Screenshots
Screenshots you add of your app should be professional and neat. Add quality images connect with a real person for instance if your app is for youths, show a girl/boy using the app. Make sure the app is clearly seen. The idea to add screenshots is for the user to see the app in action. It is preferable to add 3 to 6 screenshots. Every screenshot should contain different features of an app.
Short Term Discounts
You can offer your app free for short duration. After medium sized users are already in place you can start charging. The effects will be mind blowing.
Engage your community
It may look simple, but engaging your community with appropriate articles and posts will give a big noticeable boost in the app downloads. Advertising on social channels will increase your chances of being noticed. Try on different communities to increase the download.
Regular Updates
Try out ways to improve the app with new features. This will keep the users stick with the app. After a few months of installing the app, they get bored with the same look and features, so they uninstall the app. Updates should be occurring at least once a month to improve the usability.
Encourage Reviews
Positive reviews influence people, declaring it a valuable download, customer satisfaction is incredibly important to ranking. Testimonials represent that this app is worth downloading. Adding fake reviews to increase the number of reviews will lead to the suspension of your app. There are few ways to get audience leave reviews. It is not necessary you will get a review if you don’t ask for it. You can add a prompt that reminds the user to rate and review.
* Plan the Timing
You cannot irritate the user with pop-ups at every 5 seconds. Take the time to strategically plan when you want the pop-up to appear. Try to present the review option after they complete a task.
Final Note:
Generating downloads for an app is not always the easiest thing. Looking at the total downloads often discourages people with their new ideas. But if you use and practice these tips, you will see a sudden growth in downloads.
Your first priority should always be audience preferences while trying new strategies then you will always stay high in the app store rankings.